Tony, program director;
With an extensive background in both the Toxicology field and Recovery field, Tony implements his knowledge to take care of the day to day needs of our clients.
As a Program Director for The MOST Program, Tony brings his passion for helping others to ensure that all the clients receive the support they need and that their experience while participating is exceptional. With extensive SCRAM Alcohol Monitoring training and an extensive background in toxicology, he is able to provide an exceptional service to the Orange County recovery/outpatient community.
Tony is an exemplary role model to The MOST clients. He is patient, trustworthy, and ambitious in changing lives. He is keen in identifying clients’ struggles and support them through their journey. He has the innate ability to ensure that clients are in good hands and feel a part of a family.
When Tony is not helping clients, he enjoys spending time with his son. It is no surprise that he is looked up to and desires to be successful in his current role to be the same role model for his son. In all, Tony is passionate in serving his community and supporting those through addiction.